
  • Exactech Equinoxe Platform Shoulder System.  The number one shoulder.


  • Geistlich – Geistlich’s passion for regeneration allows it to develop pioneering medical devices for restoring bone, cartilage and soft tissue.

  • Orthopaediatrics– Truly a different kind of orthopedic company

Tecres. Advancing High Tecnology

  • Tecres: Advancing high technology. Tecres has successfully produced pre-formed antibiotic loaded spacers for since 1996. Spacers are implantable devices indicated to temporarily replace a prosthesis in a septic revision procedure.


  • Centinel Spine – Prodisc and STALIF. The leader in anterior column reconstruction

See the source image

  • PMT is a leading manufacturer of products for Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery


Irrisept Logo

  • Irrimax Corporation is focused on treating and preventing infections, reducing healthcare costs, improving patient outcomes and increasing safety of healthcare professional.